FASHION REVIEW – For over two decades, we have followed the creation and development of fashion design education in Brazil. Thus, we can say that the convergence of fashion and design is unprecedented both in social and academic relations and in industrial production.
In the 1980s and 1990s, courses in this field were simply called “Design”, “Creative” or “Fashion”; In 2002, there were twenty courses in the country. Today there are about 150 of them, which indicate an extraordinary growth in supply.
The courses originally created were undergraduate; Today, the ratio is evenly split with the style of the technologist, at about 50% each, indicating a growing interest in more focused and shorter courses.
Fashion Review During the 4th Forum of Fashion Schools and the 5th Fashion Symposium, held in September 2009 at Faculae Boa Visage in Recife (PE), we brought together 131 institutions offering higher education courses for professionals working in the field of fashion in modalities: undergraduate, technical and serial. We do not consider the specialty as an MBA. Of these 131 institutions, Brazil currently offers 150 higher education courses with a focus on fashion, of which 96 are titled Fashion Design and 21 are titled Fashion. Another 33 are dedicated to: production, textiles, management, business, modeling, marketing, style, style, and even one fashion design course.
In 2007, there were 40 courses called Fashion Design; in early 2010, their number doubled. This means that in recent years many courses have been reformulated and given a new name in accordance with the recommendations of the Ministry of Education (MOE), which has placed restrictions on the variety of names for higher education courses.
Fashion Review Considering that courses called Fashion and Design are likely to be about product development and, as determined by the MEC, they will gradually be called Fashion Design; this number will increase to 120, which is more than 80% of the courses offered in the field of fashion. This result prompted us to focus on the field of fashion design in this article.
Despite the large number of courses that train professional fashion designers, and despite the large number of publications devoted to fashion, there are very few publications that consider design as a fundamental aspect of the subject.
Fashion Review Although research is vital in the practice of design, including available materials, whether or not scientific research is published, and the number of publications on fashion design in Brazil is still in its infancy. In 2004, I had the opportunity to publish “Fashion Link Bank in Portuguese” in Fashion Theory magazine. The development of this fashion and related bibliography began in the early 1980s when I was returning from a fashion design course in Italy, at a time when publications in Portuguese on fashion-related topics were extremely rare. This bank is a retrospective of works published in the last 90 years in Portuguese, including some editions published in Portugal and translations of works by foreign authors. However, most of the 760 listed publications are composed of national authors. The materials, collected in alphabetical order, considered publications in the form of books, periodical articles, chronicles, catalogues, videos, dissertations and dissertations. Some papers on this topic have also been reviewed, although they are not mentioned in heading.
The last decade has seen a significant increase in scientific and academic output on the subject. By making this material available to fashion researchers and academics, I am promoting fashion design research in Brazil as a source of information to build the collection of fashion libraries in the country and online. structuring, which underlies the formation of the system.
We present a total of 206 titles from a defined bibliography organized into Fashion Review: rare and ancient works, collections, periodicals, reference publications (glossaries, dictionaries and encyclopedias), as well as a list of conferences that publish records that may be of interest to the composition, collections.
The presented titles are selected taking into account the title of the work; therefore, they are not necessarily submitted for content evaluation, so they are recorded for the purpose of disseminating information. Self-help titles, posts, videos, and catalogs were ignored. As for abstracts, abstracts and journals, institutions and conferences that promote research and work in this area are recommended to facilitate the search for records and signatures.
Article IV of the National Curriculum for Design Graduates (3) indicates the skills and abilities of this specialist. Shortly thereafter, “Essay V” details the content and activities that a higher education course in design can offer to meet three interrelated curricular themes of Fashion Review.
MAIN CONTENT: the history and theories of design in their social, anthropological, psychological and artistic contexts, covering design methods and techniques, means of representation, communication and information, studies of the relationship between the user / object / environment, the study of materials, processes, management and other relationships with production and market, specific content and theoretical and practical content;
SPECIFIC CONTENT: costumes and clothing;
THEORETICAL AND PRACTICAL CONTENT: internships and other additional activities.
This article contains suggestions for headings for compiling a bibliography of the main and special content, which will make up the bibliography, both main and additional. Works published since 1995 are considered, with the exception of some works that are considered classic and indispensable in the collection. However, some rare and old books are listed, which can be purchased in specialized stores. Depending on the organization of the curriculum, what is optional can become essential, and vice versa.
For high technology courses in the evaluation process Fashion Review – authorization and recognition – MEC recommends that the library collection contain at least three titles for each core bibliographic discipline during the authorization process and the same number during the recognition process. For bachelor’s degrees, the ratio rises to three for licensing and five for recognition. The number can vary from six to fifteen students, which affects the outcome of the evaluation.
In the Fashion Review book organized by Memorial Visual, 46 unfishable fashion books, you can find out the content of some works through the interpretation of guest authors.
In addition to books, the library should have periodicals and records. Brazil has three scientific journals specialized in fashion: Revisit dobra[s]; Ciara: fashion, culture and art magazine [digital]; and Mode Palaver [print and digital]. The magazines ABC Design, Arc Design and Studies in Design frequently feature articles on fashion design. However, Fashion Theory: A Journal of Fashion, Body and Culture, which, although no longer published in Brazil, can still be found on sale.
In the course of the study, we found that in some courses, in the strict sense of the word, dissertations and dissertations devoted to the field of fashion and fashion design were published, in descending order, taking into account the volume of publications, these are:
DOCTORATE: University of Sao Paulo, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Federal University of Santa Catharina, University of Brasilia, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, University of Campinas.
MASTER’S DEGREE: University of Sao Paulo, CENAC University Center (5), Federal University of Santa Catharina, Pontifical Catholic University of Sao Paulo, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro.
These publications are generally available in digital form from the institutions’ websites or in printed form through the Comet service. There are currently over a dozen institutions offering masters or doctoral programs in design, which should increase the number of researchers and therefore publications in the field of fashion design.
In Fashion Review addition to the fashion colloquium, an academic event specifically dedicated to fashion as a field of study, other conferences publish entries of interest to fashion design, including: Brazilian Conference on Design Research and Development, International Conference on Design Research and Brazilian Congress of Startups in Ergonomics, International Congress of Technological Aesthetics, International Congress of the Brazilian Association of Semiotics, National Congress of Textile Workers, Latin American Congress of Textile Chemistry and National Congress of Communication Sciences.
This area still needs a lot of progress in order to create superior collections and definitely make the transition from a product concept culture that, ignoring the potential of design, uses it as a style or aesthetic frivolity or applies it to an already advanced stage. Project, such as finishing or detailing. It is important for academia and other sectors to invest in research and publications that disseminate fashion design as a process, as an integrated business method in the early stages of the process, integrating manufacturing engineering, marketing and other sectors of the company, or even design. Has been integrated into the development of the business strategy of a company that is actively involved in promoting innovation and developing services and products. “More support, encouragement and actions are needed that compete to conquer the fashion design subculture”.
Let’s start by recommending the oldest titles, listed in ascending order, covering the period from 1880 to 1989. Below are reference publications (encyclopedias, dictionaries, glossaries).